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I.C.F.C.I. was established in 1986 under Quebec / Canada laws

With provisions for GST (Federal) / QST (Provincial) taxation registrations, and enterprise numbers specific to I.C.F.C.I. and to each S.M.S. associate / independent broker... (strategic network alliance).

Remembering Honorary Chairmen: 

John K. Archambault (First Cdn C.E.O. of U.S. Gaz Utility TQM Gazoduc);

Justice Me Jacques Trahan (retired from Supreme court of Canada);

Rolf W. Petterson (retired head of Nordic Delegation at  I.C.A.O.).

We are internationally connected through our networking with The Marathon Group (Marathon Executive Search; International Marathon Marketing  consultants)...  Collaboration ''going the distance"!

M. Jean-Guy Langlois is Director of communications / V.P. international business development for S.M.S. / I.C.F.C.I. and M.G.; stress management lecturer for the M.G. outplacement program; securing leads for their Manhattan M&A financing group... while S.M.S. focuses on serving the International Law Community...


We consider associates benefiting from the global prime office network...

Our key players profile:

Pro-active members of continuous learning corporations; people who do not believe in retirement; who welcome or create challenging situations; who think ''win-win''; ''value-added services''; ''creating our own destiny"!

People who believe in the diffusion of power in the business community; intra- / entrepreneurship; individualization of profit centers; autonomous divisions of global corporations; and in the ability to have vision, to create, execute and manifest pragmatic idealist solutions that work for you!

Until we are genetically modified to achieve eternal life, we will live up to your expectations of eternally fresh solutions to your immediate concerns in "human capital efficiency / transactions optimization''...

Our Associates / Partners in the Core Catalyst Group

Jean-Guy Langlois, CEO (chief executive officer; Founder / President of I.C.F.C.I.;  Director of S.M.S. communications;

Richard-Constantine Vincent, CRO (chief recruiting officer; President of The Marathon Executive Search Group);
Me Francois Corbeil, CLO (chief legal officer / mediator);

Christopher Botara,  CIO (chief information officer); network-based applications development; ''could program God to re-create the world''...''PC / Laptop / PDA anywhere guru...''

Constantin Sokolov, CMO (chief Media Officer); promotional videos, social events, documentary, digital video transfer, corporate DVDs.

Solomon Hsiung, CTO (chief Travel Officer); World Business Missions to China Specialist.

Vincent Rajakone, CFO (chief financial officer / investments solutions specialist).



Mission Statement

SMS / ICFCI wants to implement full spectrum stress management because prevention pays... (the ''medical establishment'' does not walk this talk...) when it comes to producing superior well-being with superior productivity...

Each division caters to a specific set of challenges requiring specific solutions within a full-service attack plan (discussed at our meeting with you as a qualified prospect: not in denial of need; empowered to invest and wanting the true benefits of crisis management prevention and loss controls...

be it at the manufacturing site, on the IT boulevard, in litigation, or behind the sacrosanct desk, or in speech presentation...

Ergo Group addresses the stress of adaptating to superior productivity... to optimize individual profit centers; control losses in health & security at work.

Stratcom Group addresses the stress of integrating communications to reality... matching investor to investment (network; franchise; film / DVD).

Proverb Group addresses the stress of conceptualization of personal and corporate images; of public speaking (TESL/TFSL); of scripting videos / annual reports.

Renaisens Group addresses the stress of getting super fit to conquer newmarket share; optimizing lifestyle changes to win at work; win at home.

Ovum Group is addressing the stress of services exchange; networking to create a true economic union; find alternate sources to support newly developping private health sectors; new ventures business planning; fund-raising sports clinics... 


E-mail us identifying your immediate needs!

Montreal, Rio de Janeiro, Fortaleza, Dakar, Lisboa, Brussels, Beijing.

You can invest with us now and laugh with the banks sooner!